
Chemical diversity of gas in distant galaxies: The metal and dust enrichment and variations within absorbing galaxies
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 672, A68 (2023)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The chemical composition of gas in galaxies can be measured in detail from absorption spectroscopy. By studying gas in galaxies in this way, it is possible to investigate the small and faint galaxies, which are the most numerous in the universe. In particular, the chemical distribution of gas in absorbing systems gives us insight into cycles of gas in and around galaxies. Here we study chemical enrichment within 64 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption (DLA) systems between $1.7 < z < 4.2$. We use high-resolution spectra from VLT/UVES to infer dust depletion from relative abundances of several metals. We perform a component-by-component analysis within DLAs, and characterise variations in their chemical enrichment. Unlike hydrogen, the metal columns can be characterised for individual components. We use them to derive the dust depletion ([Zn/Fe]fit), as an indicator for chemical enrichment. We find that some DLAs are chemically diverse within themselves, with [Zn/Fe]fit ranging up to 0.62 dex within a single system. This suggests that absorbing gas within these galaxies is chemically diverse. Although we do not find a clear trend of decreasing dust depletion with redshift, we do see that the most chemically enriched systems are at lower redshifts. We also observe evidence for dust-poor components at all redshifts, which may be due to the accretion of pristine gas onto galaxies. We combine the chemical and kinematic properties of the individual gas components and observe potential signatures of infalling gas, with low depletion at velocities below $\sim$100km/s, and outflows, with high depletion and velocities of $\sim$600km/s. We find over-abundances of alpha-elements (an enhancement of $\sim$0.3dex) and under-abundances of Mn in several components, which is likely a signature of core-collapse SNe nucleosythesis in the ISM. We observe these effects mostly at lower levels of chemical enrichment.
Comment: 56 pages, 99 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A, Abstract abridged for arXiv