
Summary of the DUNE Mission Concept
Document Type
Working Paper
The Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE) is a wide-field imaging mission concept whose primary goal is the study of dark energy and dark matter with unprecedented precision. To this end, DUNE is optimised for weak gravitational lensing, and also uses complementary cosmolo gical probes, such as baryonic oscillations, the integrated Sachs-Wolf effect, a nd cluster counts. Immediate additional goals concern the evolution of galaxies, to be studied with groundbreaking statistics, the detailed structure of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, and the demographics of Earth-mass planets. DUNE is a medium class mission consisting of a 1.2m telescope designed to carry out an all-sky survey in one visible and three NIR bands (1deg$^2$ field-of-view) which will form a unique legacy for astronomy. DUNE has been selected jointly with SPACE for an ESA Assessment phase which has led to the Euclid merged mission concept.
Comment: 9 pages; To appear in Proc. of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation (23 - 28 June 2008, Marseille, France)