
Spin-flop magnetoresistance in a collinear antiferromagnetic tunnel junction
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Applied Physics
Collinear antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials have unique promise of no stray fields, display ultrafast dynamics, and being robust against perturbation filed which motivates the extensive research of antiferromagnetic spintronics. However, the manipulation and detection of antiferromagnetic order remain formidable challenges. Here, we report the electrical detection of colinear antiferromagnetism in all-epitaxial RuO2/MgO/RuO2 three-terminal tunnel junctions (TJ) using spin-flop tunnel anisotropy magnetoresistance (TAMR). We measured a TAMR ratio of around 60% at room temperature, which arises between the parallel and perpendicular configurations of the adjacent collinear AFM state. Furthermore, we carried out angular dependent measurements using this AFM-TJ and showed that the magnitude of anisotropic longitudinal magnetoresistance in the AFM-TJ can be controlled by the direction of magnetic field. We also theoretically found that the colinear antiferromagnetic MTJ may produce a substantially large TAMR ratio as a result of the time-reversal, strong spin orbit coupling (SOC) characteristic of antiferromagnetic RuO2. Our work not only propels antiferromagnetic materials to the forefront of spintronic device innovation but also unveils a novel paradigm for electrically governed antiferromagnetic spintronics, auguring transformative advancements in high-speed, low-energy information devices.