
ACPO: AI-Enabled Compiler-Driven Program Optimization
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Programming Languages
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Performance
The key to performance optimization of a program is to decide correctly when a certain transformation should be applied by a compiler. This is an ideal opportunity to apply machine-learning models to speed up the tuning process; while this realization has been around since the late 90s, only recent advancements in ML enabled a practical application of ML to compilers as an end-to-end framework. This paper presents ACPO: \textbf{\underline{A}}I-Enabled \textbf{\underline{C}}ompiler-driven \textbf{\underline{P}}rogram \textbf{\underline{O}}ptimization; a novel framework to provide LLVM with simple and comprehensive tools to benefit from employing ML models for different optimization passes. We first showcase the high-level view, class hierarchy, and functionalities of ACPO and subsequently, demonstrate a couple of use cases of ACPO by ML-enabling the Loop Unroll and Function Inlining passes and describe how ACPO can be leveraged to optimize other passes. Experimental results reveal that ACPO model for Loop Unroll is able to gain on average 4\% compared to LLVM's O3 optimization when deployed on Polybench. Furthermore, by adding the Inliner model as well, ACPO is able to provide up to 4.5\% and 2.4\% on Polybench and Cbench compared with LLVM's O3 optimization, respectively.
Comment: Preprint version of ACPO (12 pages)