
Evidence for a New Resonance from Polarized Neutron-Proton Scattering
Document Type
Working Paper
Adlarson, P.Augustyniak, W.Bardan, W.Bashkanov, M.Bergmann, F. S.Berlowski, M.Bhatt, H.Buescher, M.Ciepa, H. Calen. I.Clement, H.Coderre, D.Czerwinski, E.Demmich, K.Doroshkevich, E.Engels, R.Erven, A.Erven, W.Eyrich, W.Fedorets, P.Foehl, K.Fransson, K.Goldenbaum, F.Goslawski, P.Goswami, A.Grigoyev, K.Gullstroem, C. -O.Hauenstein, F.Heijkenskjoeld, L.Hejny, V.Hodana, M.Hoistad, B.Huesken, N.Jany, A.Jany, B. R.Jarczyk, L.Johansson, T.Kamys, B.Kemmerling, G.Khan, F. A.Khoukaz, A.Kirrilov, D. A.Kistryn, S.Kleines, H.Klos, B.Krapp, M.Krzemien, W.Kulessa, P.Kupsc, A.Lalwani, K.Lersch, D.Lorentz, B.Magiera, A.Maier, R.Marciniewski, P.Marianski, B.Mikirtychiants, M.Morsch, H. -P.Moskal, P.Ohm, H.Ozerianska, I.del Rio, E. PerezPiskunov, N. M.Podkopal, P.Prasuhn, D.Pricking, A.Pszczel, D.Pysz, K.Pysniak, A.Redmer, C. F.Ritman, J.Roy, A.Rudy, Z.Sawant, S.Schadmand, S.Sefzick, T.Serdyuk, V.Siudak, R.Skorodko, T.Skurzok, M.Smyrski, J.Sopov, V.Stassen, R.Stepaniak, J.Stephan, E.Sterzenbach, G.Stockhorst, H.Stroeher, H.Szczurek, A.Taeschner, A.Trzcinski, A.Varma, R.Wagner, G. J.Wolke, M.Wronska, A.Wuestner, P.Wurm, P.Yamamoto, A.Yurev, L.Zabierowski, J.Zielinski, M. J.Zink, A.Zlomanczuk, J.Zupranski, P.Zurek, M.Workman, R. L.Briscoe, W. J.Strakovsky, I. I.
Nuclear Experiment
Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized $\vec{n}p$ scattering have been performed in the energy region of the narrow resonance structure $d^*$ with $I(J^P) = 0(3^+)$, $M \approx$ 2380 MeV/$c^2$ and $\Gamma \approx$ 70 MeV observed recently in the double-pionic fusion channels $pn \to d\pi^0\pi^0$ and $pn \to d\pi^+\pi^-$. The experiment was carried out with the WASA detector setup at COSY having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process $\vec{d}p \to np + p_{spectator}$. That way the $np$ analyzing power $A_y$ was measured over a large angular range. The obtained $A_y$ angular distributions deviate systematically from the current SAID SP07 NN partial-wave solution. Incorporating the new $A_y$ data into the SAID analysis produces a pole in the $^3D_3 - ^3G_3$ waves as expected from the $d^*$ resonance hypothesis.