
Measurement of CP-violation asymmetries in D0 to Ks pi+ pi-
Document Type
Working Paper
CDF CollaborationAaltonen, T.Gonzalez, B. AlvarezAmerio, S.Amidei, D.Anastassov, A.Annovi, A.Antos, J.Apollinari, G.Appel, J. A.Arisawa, T.Artikov, A.Asaadi, J.Ashmanskas, W.Auerbach, B.Aurisano, A.Azfar, F.Badgett, W.Bae, T.Barbaro-Galtieri, A.Barnes, V. E.Barnett, B. A.Bartos, P. Barria P.Bauce, M.Bedeschi, F.Behari, S.Bellinger, G. Bellettini J.Benjamin, D.Beretvas, A.Bhatti, A.Bisello, D.Bizjak, I.Bland, K. R.Blumenfeld, B.Bocci, A.Bodek, A.Bortoletto, D.Boudreau, J.Boveia, A.Brigliadori, L.Bromberg, C.Brucken, E.Budagov, J.Budd, H. S.Burkett, K.Busetto, G.Bussey, P.Buzatu, A.Calamba, A.Calancha, C.Camarda, S.Campanelli, M.Campbell, M.Canelli, F.Carls, B.Carlsmith, D.Carosi, R.Carrillo, S.Carron, S.Casal, B.Casarsa, M.Castro, A.Catastini, P.Cauz, D.Cavaliere, V.Cavalli-Sforza, M.Cerri, A.Cerrito, L.Chen, Y. C.Chertok, M.Chiarelli, G.Chlachidze, G.Chlebana, F.Cho, K.Chokheli, D.Chung, W. H.Chung, Y. S.Ciocci, M. A.Clark, A.Clarke, C.Compostella, G.Convery, M. E.Conway, J.Corbo, M.Cordelli, M.Cox, C. A.Cox, D. J.Crescioli, F.Cuevas, J.Culbertson, R.Dagenhart, D.d'Ascenzo, N.Datta, M.de Barbaro, P.Dell'Orso, M.Demortier, L.Deninno, M.Devoto, F.d'Errico, M.Di Canto, A.Di Ruzza, B.Dittmann, J. R.D'Onofrio, M.Donatig, S.Dong, P.Dorigo, M.Dorigo, T.Ebina, K.Elagin, A.Eppig, A.Erbacher, R.Errede, S.Ershaidat, N.Eusebi, R.Farrington, S.Feindt, M.Fernandez, J. P.Field, R.Flanagan, G.Forrest, R.Frank, M. J.Franklin, M.Freeman, J. C.Funakoshi, Y.Furic, I.Gallinaro, M.Garcia, J. E.Garfinkel, A. F.Garosi, P.Gerberich, H.Gerchtein, E.Giagu, S.Giakoumopoulou, V.Giannetti, P.Gibson, K.Ginsburg, C. M.Giokaris, N.Giromini, P.Giurgiu, G.Glagolev, V.Glenzinski, D.Gold, M.Goldin, D.Goldschmidt, N.Golossanov, A.Gomez, G.Gomez-Ceballos, G.Goncharov, M.Gonzalez, O.Gorelov, I.Goshaw, A. T.Goulianos, K.Grinstein, S.Grosso-Pilcher, C.Group, R. C.da Costa, J. GuimaraesHahn, S. R.Halkiadakis, E.Hamaguchi, A.Han, J. Y.Happacher, F.Hara, K.Hare, D.Hare, M.Harr, R. 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Phys. Rev. D 86, 032007 (2012)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We report a measurement of time-integrated CP-violation asymmetries in the resonant substructure of the three-body decay D0 to Ks pi+ pi- using CDF II data corresponding to 6.0 invfb of integrated luminosity from Tevatron ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. The charm mesons used in this analysis come from D*+(2010) to D0 pi+ and D*-(2010) to D0bar pi-, where the production flavor of the charm meson is determined by the charge of the accompanying pion. We apply a Dalitz-amplitude analysis for the description of the dynamic decay structure and use two complementary approaches, namely a full Dalitz-plot fit employing the isobar model for the contributing resonances and a model-independent bin-by-bin comparison of the D0 and D0bar Dalitz plots. We find no CP-violation effects and measure an asymmetry of ACP = (-0.05 +- 0.57 (stat) +- 0.54 (syst))% for the overall integrated CP-violation asymmetry, consistent with the standard model prediction.
Comment: 15 pages