
Structure- and laser-gauges for the semiconductor Bloch equations in high-harmonic generation in solids
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053411 (2020)
Physics - Atomic Physics
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Physics - Optics
The semiconductor Bloch equations (SBEs) are routinely used for simulations of strong-field laser-matter interactions in condensed matter. In systems without inversion or time-reversal symmetries, the Berry connections and transition dipole phases (TDPs) must be included in the SBEs, which in turn requires the construction of a smooth and periodic structure gauge for the Bloch states. Here, we illustrate a general approach for such a structure-gauge construction for topologically trivial systems. Furthermore, we investigate the SBEs in the length and velocity gauges, and discuss their respective advantages and shortcomings for the high-harmonic generation (HHG) process. We find that in cases where we require dephasing or separation of the currents into interband and intraband contributions, the length gauge SBEs are computationally more efficient. In calculations without dephasing and where only the total current is needed, the velocity gauge SBEs are structure-gauge independent and are computationally more efficient. We employ two systems as numerical examples to highlight our findings: an 1D model of ZnO and the 2D monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). The omittance of Berry connections or TDPs in the SBEs for h-BN results in nonphysical HHG spectra. The structure- and laser-gauge considerations in the current work are not restricted to the HHG process, and are applicable to all strong-field matter simulations with SBEs.