
A structured jet explains the extreme GRB 221009A
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are powerful cosmic explosions, signaling the death of massive stars. Among them, GRB 221009A is by far the brightest burst ever observed. Due to its enormous energy ($E_\textrm{iso}\!\approx$10$^{55}$ erg) and proximity ($z\!\approx$0.15), GRB 221009A is an exceptionally rare event that pushes the limits of our theories. We present multi-wavelength observations covering the first three months of its afterglow evolution. The X-ray brightness decays as a power-law with slope $\approx\!t^{-1.66}$, which is not consistent with standard predictions for jetted emission. We attribute this behavior to a shallow energy profile of the relativistic jet. A similar trend is observed in other energetic GRBs, suggesting that the most extreme explosions may be powered by structured jets launched by a common central engine.
Comment: Submitted version. 53 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables