
Medical Unlearnable Examples: Securing Medical Data from Unauthorized Traning via Sparsity-Aware Local Masking
Document Type
Working Paper
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing
Computer Science - Cryptography and Security
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Science - Machine Learning
With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, there has been a significant increase in the generation and storage of sensitive medical data. This abundance of data, in turn, has propelled the advancement of medical AI technologies. However, concerns about unauthorized data exploitation, such as training commercial AI models, often deter researchers from making their invaluable datasets publicly available. In response to the need to protect this hard-to-collect data while still encouraging medical institutions to share it, one promising solution is to introduce imperceptible noise into the data. This method aims to safeguard the data against unauthorized training by inducing degradation in model generalization. Although existing methods have shown commendable data protection capabilities in general domains, they tend to fall short when applied to biomedical data, mainly due to their failure to account for the sparse nature of medical images. To address this problem, we propose the Sparsity-Aware Local Masking (SALM) method, a novel approach that selectively perturbs significant pixel regions rather than the entire image as previous strategies have done. This simple-yet-effective approach significantly reduces the perturbation search space by concentrating on local regions, thereby improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of data protection for biomedical datasets characterized by sparse features. Besides, we have demonstrated that SALM maintains the essential characteristics of the data, ensuring its clinical utility remains uncompromised. Our extensive experiments across various datasets and model architectures demonstrate that SALM effectively prevents unauthorized training of deep-learning models and outperforms previous state-of-the-art data protection methods.