
Post-outburst evolution of bonafide FUor V2493 Cyg: A Spectro-photometric monitoring
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We present here the results of eight years of our near-simultaneous optical/near-infrared spectro-photometric monitoring of bonafide FUor candidate `V2493 Cyg' starting from 2013 September to 2021 June. During our optical monitoring period (between October 16, 2015 and December 30, 2019), the V2493 Cyg is slowly dimming with an average dimming rate of $\sim$26.6 $\pm$ 5.6 mmag/yr in V band. Our optical photometric colors show a significant reddening of the source post the second outburst pointing towards a gradual expansion of the emitting region post the second outburst. The mid infra-red colors, on the contrary, exhibits a blueing trend which can be attributed to the brightening of the disc due to the outburst. Our spectroscopic monitoring shows a dramatic variation of the H$\alpha$ line as it transitioned from absorption feature to the emission feature and back. Such transition can possibly be explained by the variation in the wind structure in combination with accretion. Combining our time evolution spectra of the Ca II infra-red triplet lines with the previously published spectra of V2493 Cyg, we find that the accretion region has stabilised compared to the early days of the outburst. The evolution of the O I $\lambda$7773 \AA~ line also points towards the stabilization of the circumstellar disc post the second outburst.
Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ