
Exchange gap in GdPtBi probed by magneto-optics
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. B 108, L201201 (2023)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
We measured the magneto-reflectivity spectra (4 - 90 meV, 0 - 16 T) of the triple-point semimetal GdPtBi and found them to demonstrate two unusual broad features emerging in field. The electronic bands of GdPtBi are expected to experience large exchange-mediated shifts, which lends itself to a description via effective Zeeman splittings with a large g factor. Based on this approach, along with an ab initio band structure analysis, we propose a model Hamiltonian that describes our observations well and allows us to estimate the effective g factor, g* = 95. We conclude that we directly observe the exchange-induced $\Gamma_{8}$ band inversion in GdPtBi by means of infrared spectroscopy.
Comment: 9 pages, SM included