
Observation of Time Reversal Violation in the B0 Meson System
Document Type
Working Paper
The BABAR CollaborationLees, J. P.Poireau, V.Tisserand, V.Tico, J. GarraGrauges, E.Palanoab, A.Eigen, G.Stugu, B.Brown, D. N.Kerth, L. T.Kolomensky, Yu. G.Lynch, G.Koch, H.Schroeder, T.Asgeirsson, D. J.Hearty, C.Mattison, T. S.McKenna, J. A.So, R. Y.Khan, A.Blinov, V. E.Buzykaev, A. R.Druzhinin, V. P.Golubev, V. B.Kravchenko, E. A.Onuchin, A. P.Serednyakov, S. I.Skovpen, Yu. I.Solodov, E. P.Todyshev, K. Yu.Yushkov, A. N.Bondioli, M.Kirkby, D.Lankford, A. J.Mandelkern, M.Atmacan, H.Gary, J. W.Liu, F.Long, O.Vitug, G. M.Campagnari, C.Hong, T. M.Kovalskyi, D.Richman, J. D.West, C. A.Eisner, A. M.Kroseberg, J.Lockman, W. S.Martinez, A. J.Schumm, B. A.Seiden, A.Chao, D. S.Cheng, C. H.Echenard, B.Flood, K. T.Hitlin, D. G.Ongmongkolkul, P.Porter, F. C.Rakitin, A. Y.Andreassen, R.Huard, Z.Meadows, B. T.Sokoloff, M. D.Sun, L.Bloom, P. C.Ford, W. T.Gaz, A.Nauenberg, U.Smith, J. G.Wagner, S. R.Ayad, R.Toki, W. H.Spaan, B.Schubert, K. R.Schwierz, R.Bernard, D.Verderi, M.Clark, P. J.Playfer, S.Bettoni, D.Bozzi, C.Calabrese, R.Cibinetto, G.Fioravanti, E.Garzia, I.Luppi, E.Munerato, M.Piemontese, L.Santoro, V.Baldini-Ferroli, R.Calcaterra, A.de Sangro, R.Finocchiaro, G.Patteri, P.Peruzzi, I. M.Piccolo, M.Rama, M.Zallo, A.Contri, R.Guido, E.Vetere, M. LoMonge, M. R.Passaggio, S.Patrignani, C.Robutti, E.Bhuyan, B.Prasad, V.Lee, C. L.Morii, M.Edwards, A. J.Adametz, A.Uwer, U.Lacker, H. M.Lueck, T.Dauncey, P. D.Mallik, U.Chen, C.Cochran, J.Meyer, W. T.Prell, S.Rubin, A. E.Gritsan, A. V.Guo, Z. J.Arnaud, N.Davier, M.Derkach, D.Grosdidier, G.Diberder, F. LeLutz, A. M.Malaescu, B.Roudeau, P.Schune, M. H.Stocchi, A.Wormser, G.Lange, D. J.Wright, D. M.Chavez, C. A.Coleman, J. P.Fry, J. R.Gabathuler, E.Hutchcroft, D. E.Payne, D. J.Touramanis, C.Bevan, A. J.Di Lodovico, F.Sacco, R.Sigamani, M.Cowan, G.Davis, C. L.Denig, A. G.Fritsch, M.Gradl, W.Griessinger, K.Hafner, A.Prencipe, E.Barlow, R. J.Jackson, G.Lafferty, G. D.Behn, E.Cenci, R.Hamilton, B.Jawahery, A.Roberts, D. A.Dallapiccola, C.Cowan, R.Dujmic, D.Sciolla, G.Cheaib, R.Lindemann, D.Patel, P. M.Robertson, S. H.Biassoni, P.Neri, N.Palombo, F.Stracka, S.Cremaldi, L.Godang, R.Kroeger, R.Sonnek, P.Summers, D. J.Nguyen, X.Simard, M.Taras, P.De Nardo, G.Monorchio, D.Onorato, G.Sciacca, C.Martinelli, M.Raven, G.Jessop, C. P.LoSecco, J. M.Wang, W. F.Honscheid, K.Kass, R.Brau, J.Frey, R.Sinev, N. B.Strom, D.Torrence, E.Feltresi, E.Gagliardi, N.Margoni, M.Morandin, M.Pompili, A.Posocco, M.Rotondo, M.Simi, G.Simonetto, F.Stroili, R.Akar, S.Ben-Haim, E.Bomben, M.Bonneaud, G. R.Briand, H.Calderini, G.Chauveau, J.Hamon, O.Leruste, Ph.Marchiori, G.Ocariz, J.Sitt, S.Biasini, M.Manoni, E.Pacetti, S.Rossi, A.Angelini, C.Batignani, G.Bettarini, S.Carpinelli, M.Casarosa, G.Cervelli, A.Forti, F.Giorgi, M. A.Lusiani, A.Oberhof, B.Paoloni, E.Perez, A.Rizzo, G.Walsh, J. J.Pegna, D. LopesOlsen, J.Smith, A. J. S.Telnov, A. V.Anullia, F.Faccini, R.Ferrarotto, F.Ferroni, F.Gaspero, M.Gioi, L. LiMazzoni, M. A.Piredda, G.Bunger, C.Grunberg, O.Hartmann, T.Leddig, T.Schroder, H.Voss, C.Waldi, R.Adye, T.Olaiya, E. O.Wilson, F. F.Emery, S.de Monchenault, G. HamelVasseur, G.Y`eche, Ch.Aston, D.Bard, D. J.Bartoldus, R.Benitez, J. F.Cartaro, C.Convery, M. R.Dorfan, J.Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.Dunwoodie, W.Ebert, M.Field, R. C.Sevilla, M. FrancoFulsom, B. G.Gabareen, A. M.Graham, M. T.Grenier, P.Hast, C.Innes, W. R.Kelsey, M. H.Kim, P.Kocian, M. L.Leith, D. W. G. S.Lewis, P.Lindquist, B.Luitz, S.Luth, V.Lynch, H. L.MacFarlane, D. B.Muller, D. R.Neal, H.Nelson, S.Perl, M.Pulliam, T.Ratcliff, B. N.Roodman, A.Salnikov, A. A.Schindler, R. H.Snyder, A.Su, D.Sullivan, M. K.Va'vra, J.Wagner, A. P.Wisniewski, W. J.Wittgen, M.Wright, D. H.Wulsin, H. W.Young, C. C.Ziegler, V.Park, W.Purohit, M. V.White, R. M.Wilson, J. R.Randle-Conde, A.Sekula, S. J.Bellis, M.Burchat, P. R.Miyashita, T. S.Puccio, E. M. T.Alam, M. S.Ernst, J. A.Gorodeisky, R.Guttman, N.Peimer, D. R.Soffer, A.Lund, P.Spanier, S. M.Ritchie, J. L.Ruland, A. M.Schwitters, R. F.Wray, B. C.Izen, J. M.Lou, X. C.Bianchi, F.Gamba, D.Zambito, S.Lanceri, L.Vitale, L.Bernabeu, J.Martinez-Vidal, F.Oyanguren, A.Villanueva-Perez, P.Ahmed, H.Albert, J.Banerjee, Sw.Bernlochner, F. U.Choi, H. H. F.King, G. J.Kowalewski, R.Lewczuk, M. J.Nugent, I. M.Roney, J. M.Sobie, R. J.Tasneem, N.Gershon, T. J.Harrison, P. F.Latham, T. E.Band, H. R.Dasu, S.Pan, Y.Prepost, R.Wu, S. L.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 211801 (2012)
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Although CP violation in the B meson system has been well established by the B factories, there has been no direct observation of time reversal violation. The decays of entangled neutral B mesons into definite flavor states ($B^0$ or $\bar{B}^0$), and $J/\psi K_S^0$ or $c\bar{c} K_S^0$ final states (referred to as $B_+$ or $B_-$), allow comparisons between the probabilities of four pairs of T-conjugated transitions, for example, $\bar{B}^0 \rightarrow B_-$ and $B_- \rightarrow \bar{B}^0$, as a function of the time difference between the two B decays. Using 468 million $B\bar{B}$ pairs produced in $\Upsilon(4S)$ decays collected by the BABAR detector at SLAC, we measure T-violating parameters in the time evolution of neutral B mesons, yielding $\Delta S_T^+ = -1.37 \pm 0.14 (stat.) \pm 0.06 (syst.)$ and $\Delta S_T^- = 1.17 \pm 0.18 (stat.) \pm 0.11 (syst.)$. These nonzero results represent the first direct observation of T violation through the exchange of initial and final states in transitions that can only be connected by a T-symmetry transformation.
Comment: 7 pages, 3 postscript figures, 1 table, appendix with 4 pages containing supplementary material. Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett