
Long Spin Coherence Times of Nitrogen Vacancy Centres in Milled Nanodiamonds
Document Type
Working Paper
Physical Review B 105, 205401 (2022)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Physics - Optics
Quantum Physics
Nanodiamonds containing negatively charged nitrogen vacancy centres (${\text{NV}}^{-}$) have applications as localized sensors in biological material and have been proposed as a platform to probe the macroscopic limits of spatial superposition and the quantum nature of gravity. A key requirement for these applications is to obtain nanodiamonds containing ${\text{NV}}^{-}$ with long spin coherence times. Using milling to fabricate nanodiamonds processes the full 3D volume of the bulk material at once, unlike etching, but has, up to now, limited ${\text{NV}}^{-}$ spin coherence times. Here, we use natural isotopic abundance nanodiamonds produced by ${\text{Si}}_{3}{\text{N}}_{4}$ ball milling of bulk diamond grown by chemical vapour deposition with an average single substitutional nitrogen concentration of $121 ~\text{ppb}$. We show that the electron spin coherence times of ${\text{NV}}^{-}$ centres in these nanodiamonds can exceed $400 ~\mu\text{s}$ at room temperature with dynamical decoupling. Scanning electron microscopy provides images of the specific nanodiamonds containing ${\text{NV}}^{-}$ for which a spin coherence time was measured.
Comment: Vresion 1: 13 pages, 7 figures. Standalone paper containing the nanodiamond spin coherence time results that first appeared in the pre-print "Matter and spin superposition in vacuum experiment (MASSIVE)" arXiv:2105.02105v1, with additional details added. Version 2: 11 pages, 7 figures. Grammar edits and reformatting to match published version