
A classification of symmetries of knots
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Geometric Topology
57K10, 57M60
We classify all finite group actions on knots in the 3-sphere. By geometrization, all such actions are conjugate to actions by isometries, and so we may use orthogonal representation theory to describe three cyclic and seven dihedral families of symmetries. By constructing examples, we prove that all of the cyclic and four of the dihedral families arise as symmetries of prime knots. The remaining three dihedral families apply only to composite knots. We also explain how to distinguish different types of symmetries of knots using diagrammatic or topological data. Our classification immediately implies a previous result of Sakuma: a hyperbolic knot cannot be both freely periodic and amphichiral. In passing, we establish two technical results: one concerning finite cyclic or dihedral subgroups of isometries of the 3-sphere and another concerning linking numbers of symmetric knots.