
In-depth analysis of LISA Pathfinder performance results: time evolution, noise projection, physical models, and implications for LISA
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
We present an analysis of the LISA Pathfinder differential acceleration performance over the entire mission . We show that the Brownian noise level, detected for frequencies $f\gtrsim \SI{1}{mHz}$, has been evolving consistently with the outgassing of a single gaseous species, with an activation temperature of $(7.0\pm 0.2)\,\text{kK}$. In excess to the Brownian noise, the acceleration amplitude spectral density (ASD) always shows a sub-mHz tail which is reasonably well fit, between $f=\SI{36}{\micro\hertz}$ and $\SI{1}{\milli\hertz}$, to $\widetilde{S}_{\Delta g}^{1/2}(1\, \text{mHz}/f)$. A Bayesian estimate of $\widetilde{S}_{\Delta g}^{1/2}$ on a partition of the entire set of measurements in 27 data stretches, each 2.75\,d long, gives $\widetilde{S}_{\Delta g}^{1/2}=(1.1\pm0.3)\,\si{\femto\meter\,\second^{-2}/\rtHz}$, with no particular time pattern over the course of the mission. The width the posterior contains, in excess of the statistical uncertainty, a true physical fluctuation of $\widetilde{S}_{\Delta g}^{1/2}$ from run to run, of about $\SI{0.2}{\femto\meter\,\second^{-2}/\rtHz}$, with no correlation with specific operating conditions. At the lowest considered frequency of $f=\SI{18}{\micro\hertz}$, the ASD significantly deviates from the $1/f$ behavior, because of temperature fluctuations that appear to modulate a quasi-static pressure gradient, sustained by the asymmetries of outgassing . We also present a projection of acceleration noise on the sources for which we had either a correlation measurement, or an estimate from dedicated experiments.These sources account for about 40\% of the noise power the $1/f$ tail. We discuss the possible sources of the unaccounted-for fraction, present a series of analyses that rule many of them out, and identify the possible measures that may be taken to keep the remaining ones under control in LISA.