
On the classification of quantum W-algebras
Document Type
Working Paper
Nucl.Phys. B379 (1992) 63-95
High Energy Physics - Theory
In this paper we consider the structure of general quantum W-algebras. We introduce the notions of deformability, positive-definiteness, and reductivity of a W-algebra. We show that one can associate a reductive finite Lie algebra to each reductive W-algebra. The finite Lie algebra is also endowed with a preferred $sl(2)$ subalgebra, which gives the conformal weights of the W-algebra. We extend this to cover W-algebras containing both bosonic and fermionic fields, and illustrate our ideas with the Poisson bracket algebras of generalised Drinfeld-Sokolov Hamiltonian systems. We then discuss the possibilities of classifying deformable W-algebras which fall outside this class in the context of automorphisms of Lie algebras. In conclusion we list the cases in which the W-algebra has no weight one fields, and further, those in which it has only one weight two field.
Comment: 28 pages