
Container Resource Allocation versus Performance of Data-intensive Applications on Different Cloud Servers
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
In recent years, data-intensive applications have been increasingly deployed on cloud systems. Such applications utilize significant compute, memory, and I/O resources to process large volumes of data. Optimizing the performance and cost-efficiency for such applications is a non-trivial problem. The problem becomes even more challenging with the increasing use of containers, which are popular due to their lower operational overheads and faster boot speed at the cost of weaker resource assurances for the hosted applications. In this paper, two containerized data-intensive applications with very different performance objectives and resource needs were studied on cloud servers with Docker containers running on Intel Xeon E5 and AMD EPYC Rome multi-core processors with a range of CPU, memory, and I/O configurations. Primary findings from our experiments include: 1) Allocating multiple cores to a compute-intensive application can improve performance, but only if the cores do not contend for the same caches, and the optimal core counts depend on the specific workload; 2) allocating more memory to a memory-intensive application than its deterministic data workload does not further improve performance; however, 3) having multiple such memory-intensive containers on the same server can lead to cache and memory bus contention leading to significant and volatile performance degradation. The comparative observations on Intel and AMD servers provided insights into trade-offs between larger numbers of distributed chiplets interconnected with higher speed buses (AMD) and larger numbers of centrally integrated cores and caches with lesser speed buses (Intel). For the two types of applications studied, the more distributed caches and faster data buses have benefited the deployment of larger numbers of containers.