
Evolution of topological states in magnetic materials by symmetry-breaking
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
The magnetism-controllable band topology renders magnetic topological materials as one of the most promising candidates for next-generation electronic devices. Here we first construct three datasets allowing ascertaining the evolutions of topological states (with all enforced band crossings identified) using symmetry-indicators in the 1651 magnetic space groups. We then perform high-throughput investigations based on 1267 stoichiometric magnetic materials ever-experimentally synthesized and the three datasets to reveal a hierarchy of topological states by symmetry-breaking, along all ergodic and continuous paths of symmetry-breaking (preserving the translation symmetry) from the parent magnetic space group to the trivial group. The results are expected to aid experimentalists in selecting feasible and appropriate means to tune topological states towards realistic applications in new paradigm of memory device by topological state switching.
Comment: See SM (in ancillary file) for an assembly of results for the calculated 1267 magnetic materials: The plots of band and DOS, topological classifications using symmetry-indicators, all detected enforced band crossings, and the topological state evolutions by symmetry-breaking. Thanks! The three datasets can be found in https://box.nju.edu.cn/published/three-datasets/