
JWST/NIRCam Imaging of Young Stellar Objects. I. Constraints on Planets Exterior to The Spiral Disk Around MWC 758
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
MWC 758 is a young star hosting a spiral protoplanetary disk. The spirals are likely companion-driven, and two previously-identified candidate companions have been identified -- one at the end the Southern spiral arm at ~0.6 arcsec, and one interior to the gap at ~0.1 arcsec. With JWST/NIRCam, we provide new images of the disk and constraints on planets exterior to ~1". We detect the two-armed spiral disk, a known background star, and a spatially resolved background galaxy, but no clear companions. The candidates that have been reported are at separations that are not probed by our data with sensitivity sufficient to detect them -- nevertheless, these observations place new limits on companions down to ~2 Jupiter-masses at ~150 au and ~0.5 Jupiter masses at ~600 au. Owing to the unprecedented sensitivity of JWST and youth of the target, these are among the deepest mass-detection limits yet obtained through direct imaging observations, and provide new insights into the system's dynamical nature.
Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ