
Sequential optimal selection of a single-qubit gate and its relation to barren plateau in parameterized quantum circuits
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Science and Technology, 9, 035030, (2024)
Quantum Physics
We propose an algorithm for variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) to optimize the structure of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) efficiently. The algorithm optimizes the PQC structure on-the-fly in VQA by sequentially replacing a single-qubit gate with the optimal one to minimize the objective function. To directly find the optimal gate, our method uses the factorization of matrices whose elements are evaluated on a set of the slightly-modified circuits. The matrix factorization enables us to not only unify the existing sequential methods for further extension but also provide rigorous proofs of their limitation and potential in comparison with conventional gradient-based optimizers. Firstly, when the circuits are sufficiently deep, the sequential methods encounter a barren plateau that the spectrum of the matrix concentrates on a single value exponentially fast with respect to the number of qubits. Secondly, if the objective functions are local observables, they can avoid barren plateaus as long as the depth of the n-qubit PQCs is $O(\log{n})$. Although the family of these optimizers does not directly employ gradients of the objective function, our results establish their connection with conventional optimizations providing a consistent picture of the barren plateau. We also perform numerical experiments showing the advantages over conventional VQAs and confirm the successful optimization getting over the barren plateau in the ground state problem of the mixed field Ising model up to 12 qubits.
Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures