
Fractal ground state of ion chains in periodic potentials
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Quantum Gases
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Physics
Trapped ions in a periodic potential are a paradigm of a frustrated Wigner crystal. The dynamics is captured by a long-range Frenkel-Kontorova model. The classical ground state can be mapped to the one of an antiferromagnetic spin chain with long-range interactions in a magnetic field, whose strength is determined by the mismatch between chain's and substrate lattice's periodicity. The mapping is exact when the substrate potential is a piecewise harmonic potential and holds for any two-body interaction decaying as $1/r^\alpha$ with the distance $r$. The ground state is a devil's staircase of regular, periodic structures as a function of the mismatch, whose range of stability depends also on the coefficient $\alpha$. While the staircase is well defined in the thermodynamic limit for $\alpha>1$, for Coulomb interactions, $\alpha=1$, it disappears and the sliding-to-pinned transitions becomes crossovers. However, due to the logarithmic convergence to the thermodynamic limit characteristic of the Coulomb potential, the staircase is found for any finite number of ions. We discuss the experimental parameters as well as the features that allow one to observe and reveal our predictions in experimental platforms. These dynamics are a showcase of the versatility of trapped ion platforms for exploring the interplay between frustration and interactions.