
Panchromatic Properties of 99,000 Galaxies Detected by SDSS, and (some by) ROSAT, GALEX, 2MASS, IRAS, GB6, FIRST, NVSS and WENSS Surveys
Document Type
Working Paper
We discuss the panchromatic properties of 99,088 galaxies selected from the SDSS Data Release 1 spectroscopic sample (a flux-limited sample for 1360 deg^2). These galaxies are positionally matched to sources detected by ROSAT, GALEX, 2MASS, IRAS, GB6, FIRST, NVSS and WENSS. We find strong correlations between the detection fraction at other wavelengths and optical properties such as flux, colors, and emission-line strengths. Using GALEX, SDSS, and 2MASS data, we construct the UV-IR broad-band spectral energy distributions for various types of galaxies, and find that they form a nearly one-parameter family. For example, based on SDSS u- and r-band data, supplemented with redshift, the K-band 2MASS magnitudes can be "predicted" with an rms scatter of only 0.2 mag. When a dust content estimate determined from SDSS data by Kauffmann et al. (2003) is also utilized, this scatter decreases to 0.1 mag. We demonstrate that this dust content is indeed higher for galaxies detected by IRAS and that it can be used to "predict" measured IRAS 60 micron flux density within a factor of two using only SDSS data. We also show that the position of a galaxy in the emission-line-based Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich diagram is correlated with the optical light concentration index and u-r color determined from the SDSS broad-band imaging data, and discuss changes in the morphology of this diagram induced by requiring detections at other wavelengths. We study the IR-radio correlation and find evidence that its slope may be different for AGN and star-forming galaxies and related to the H_alpha/H_beta line strength ratio.
Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 25 pages, 32 color figures