
Ellerman bombs at high resolution III. Simultaneous observations with IRIS and SST
Document Type
Working Paper
The Astrophysical Journal (2015), 812, 11
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Ellerman bombs are transient brightenings of the extended wings of the solar Balmer lines in emerging active regions. We describe their properties in the ultraviolet lines sampled by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), using simultaneous imaging spectroscopy in H$\alpha$ with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and ultraviolet images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory for Ellerman bomb detection and identification. We select multiple co-observed Ellerman bombs for detailed analysis. The IRIS spectra strengthen the view that Ellerman bombs mark reconnection between bipolar kilogauss fluxtubes with the reconnection and the resulting bi-directional jet located within the solar photosphere and shielded by overlying chromospheric fibrils in the cores of strong lines. The spectra suggest that the reconnecting photospheric gas underneath is heated sufficiently to momentarily reach stages of ionization normally assigned to the transition region and the corona. We also analyze similar outburst phenomena that we classify as small flaring arch filaments and ascribe to higher-located reconnection. They have different morphology and produce hot arches in million-Kelvin diagnostics.
Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 19 pages, 18 figures, see http://folk.uio.no/gregal/onlinematerial/eb3 for movies