
Evolution of MHD turbulence in the expanding solar wind: residual energy and intermittency
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Physics - Space Physics
We conduct 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of decaying turbulence in the solar wind context. To account for the spherical expansion of the solar wind, we implement the expanding box model. The initial turbulence comprises uncorrelated counter-propagating Alfv\'en waves and exhibits an isotropic power spectrum. Our findings reveal the consistent generation of negative residual energy whenever nonlinear interactions are present, independent of the normalized cross helicity $\sigma_c$. The spherical expansion facilitates this process. The resulting residual energy is primarily distributed in the perpendicular direction, with $[S_2(\mathbf{b})-S_2(\mathbf{u})] \propto l_\perp$ or equivalently $-E_r \propto k_\perp^{-2}$. Here $S_2(\mathbf{b})$ and $S_2(\mathbf{u})$ are second-order structure functions of magnetic field and velocity respectively. In most runs, $S_2(\mathbf{b})$ develops a scaling relation $S_2(\mathbf{b}) \propto l_\perp^{1/2}$ ($E_b \propto k_\perp^{-3/2}$). In contrast, $S_2(\mathbf{u})$ is consistently shallower than $S_2(\mathbf{b})$, which aligns with in-situ observations of the solar wind. We observe that the higher-order statistics of the turbulence, which act as a proxy for intermittency, are strongly affected by the expansion effect but have weak dependence on the initial $\sigma_c$. Generally, the intermittency is more pronounced when the expansion effect is present. Finally, we find that in our simulations although the negative residual energy and intermittency grow simultaneously as the turbulence evolves, there is no obvious causal relation between them because they are generated on different scales.