
Numerical simulations of polarisation in gamma-ray burst afterglows
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
We compute the linear polarisation during the afterglow phase of gamma-ray bursts, for both on-axis and off-axis observers. We use numerical simulations of the deceleration of a relativistic jet, and compute the polarisation by post-processing the results of the numerical simulations. In our simulations, we consider a magnetic field that is chaotic in the plane of the shock, in addition to a magnetic field component that is parallel to the shock velocity. While the linear polarisation computed for on-axis observers is consistent with previous analytical estimates, we found that lateral expansion, which is accurately handled in our simulations, plays a crucial role in determining the linear polarisation for off-axis observers. Our results show that the off-axis linear polarisation, as seen by off-axis observers, exhibits a single peak, in contrast to the two peaks inferred by previous analytical studies. The maximum polarisation degree is 40\% at an observing angle $\theta_{\rm obs}=0.4$ rad, and it decreases as the observing angle increases, which is opposite to what predicted by analytical models, where polarisation increases with larger observing angles. From the upper limit of 12\% in the linear polarisation obtained at 244 days for the GRB 170817A, we also infer an anisotropy factor of $B_\parallel/B_\perp = 0.5-0.9$, consistent with the post-shock magnetic field being amplified by turbulence.
Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS