
Masses and envelope binding energies of primary stars at the onset of a common envelope
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
We present basic properties of primary stars that initiate a common envelope (CE) in a binary, while on the giant branch. We use the population-synthesis code described in Politano et al. (2010) and follow the evolution of a population of binary stars up to the point where the primary fills its Roche lobe and initiates a CE. We then collect the properties of each system, in particular the donor mass and the binding energy of the donor's envelope, which are important for the treatment of a CE. We find that for most CEs, the donor mass is sufficiently low to define the core-envelope boundary reasonably well. We compute the envelope-structure parameter {\lambda_\mathrm{env}} from the binding energy and compare its distribution to typical assumptions that are made in population-synthesis codes. We conclude that {\lambda_\mathrm{env}} varies appreciably and that the assumption of a constant value for this parameter results in typical errors of 20--50%. In addition, such an assumption may well result in the implicit assumption of unintended and/or unphysical values for the CE parameter {\alpha_\mathrm{CE}}. Finally, we discuss accurate existing analytic fits for the envelope binding energy, which make these oversimplified assumptions for {\lambda_\mathrm{env}}, and the use of {\lambda_\mathrm{env}} in general, unnecessary.
Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to be published in the proceedings of the conference "Binary Star Evolution", in Mykonos, Greece, held in June 22-25, 2010