
Testing known and unknown systematics in HST/WFC3 spatial scans with the Wayne simulator
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
The Wide Field Camera 3 is one of the instruments currently onboard the Hubble Space Telescope and, since 2012, with the use of the spatial scanning technique, has provided the largest number of observed exoplanetary atmosphere, ranging from super-Earths to hot Jupiters. This technique enables the observation of bright targets without saturating the sensitive detectors, but at the same time requires more complicated data reduction and calibration techniques to extract the planetary signal from the observations. In absence of absolute calibration sources, the validation of current data analysis techniques is not possible as the planetary signal is not known. Here, we demonstrate how simulated observations can help us understand the effect of different analysis processes, and potential unknown systematics on the final transmission spectra of exoplanets. We test and validate the robustness of two of the most precise WFC3 exoplanetary spectra - HD 209458 b and 55 Cancri e - against three different known and potential sources of systematics. In addition, we identify the horizontal shifts seen in WFC3 observations as the most important source of systematic errors in the planetary spectra, concluding that a precision better that 1% of a pixel is necessary.
Comment: Submitted to AAS journals