
Improving pronunciation assessment via ordinal regression with anchored reference samples
Document Type
Working Paper
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Sound
Sentence level pronunciation assessment is important for Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Traditional speech pronunciation assessment, based on the Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) algorithm, has some weakness in assessing a speech utterance: 1) Phoneme GOP scores cannot be easily translated into a sentence score with a simple average for effective assessment; 2) The rank ordering information has not been well exploited in GOP scoring for delivering a robust assessment and correlate well with a human rater's evaluations. In this paper, we propose two new statistical features, average GOP (aGOP) and confusion GOP (cGOP) and use them to train a binary classifier in Ordinal Regression with Anchored Reference Samples (ORARS). When the proposed approach is tested on Microsoft mTutor ESL Dataset, a relative improvement of Pearson correlation coefficient of 26.9% is obtained over the conventional GOP-based one. The performance is at a human-parity level or better than human raters.