
The statistical reliability of 267 GHz JCMT observations of Venus: No significant evidence for phosphine absorption
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
In the light of the recent announcement of the discovery of the potential biosignature phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus I present an independent reanalysis of the original JCMT data to assess the statistical reliability of the detection. Two line detection methods are explored, low order polynomial fits and higher order multiple polynomial fits. A non-parametric bootstrap analysis reveals that neither line detection method is able to recover a statistically significant detection. Similar to the results of other reanalyses of ALMA Venus spectra, the polynomial fitting process results in false positive detections in the JCMT spectrum. There is thus no significant evidence for phosphine absorption in the JCMT Venus spectra.
Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by MNRAS