
Designing Optimal Flow Networks
Document Type
Working Paper
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol II, WCE 2009, 1-3 July 2009, London, U.K. pp. 1235--1240
Mathematics - Optimization and Control
Mathematics - Metric Geometry
90B85 (Primary), 49Q10, 52A21 (Secondary)
We investigate the problem of designing a minimum cost flow network interconnecting n sources and a single sink, each with known locations and flows. The network may contain other unprescribed nodes, known as Steiner points. For concave increasing cost functions, a minimum cost network of this sort has a tree topology, and hence can be called a Minimum Gilbert Arborescence (MGA). We characterise the local topological structure of Steiner points in MGAs for linear cost functions. This problem has applications to the design of drains, gas pipelines and underground mine access.
Comment: 6 pages, 2 columns, 4 figures