
A halo model for cosmological Lyman-limit systems
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We present an analytical model for cosmological Lyman-limit systems (LLSs) that successfully reproduces the observed evolution of the mean free path (L) of ionizing photons. The evolution of the co-moving mean free path is predominantly a consequence of the changing meta galactic photo-ionization rate and the increase with cosmic time of the minimum mass below which halos lose their gas due to photo-heating. In the model, Lyman-limit absorption is caused by highly ionized gas in the outskirt of dark matter halos. We exploit the association with halos to compute statistical properties of LLSs and of their bias, b. The latter increases from 1.5 to 2.6 from redshifts 2 to 6. Combined with the rapid increase with redshift of the bias of the halos that host a quasar, the model predicts a rapid drop in the value of L when measured in quasar spectra from z=5 to 6, whereas the actual value of L falls more smoothly. We derive an expression for the effective optical depth due to Lyman limit absorption as a function of wavelength and show that it depends sensitively on the poorly constrained number density of LLSs as a function of column density. The optical depth drops below unity for all wavelengths below a redshift of 2.5, which is therefore the epoch when the Universe first became transparent to ionizing photons.
Comment: 18 pages