
Wideband Direct Detection Constraints on Hidden Photon Dark Matter with the QUALIPHIDE Experiment
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
High Energy Physics - Experiment
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
We report direction detection constraints on the presence of hidden photon dark matter with masses between 20-30 ueV using a cryogenic emitter-receiver-amplifier spectroscopy setup designed as the first iteration of QUALIPHIDE (QUantum LImited PHotons In the Dark Experiment). A metallic dish sources conversion photons from hidden photon kinetic mixing onto a horn antenna which is coupled to a C-band kinetic inductance traveling wave parametric amplifier, providing for near quantum-limited noise performance. We demonstrate a first probing of the kinetic mixing parameter "chi" to just above 10^-12 for the majority of hidden photon masses in this region. These results not only represent stringent constraints on new dark matter parameter space but are also the first demonstrated use of wideband quantum-limited amplification for astroparticle applications
Comment: 6 Pages, 5 figures