
D\'emarche d'\'evaluation de l'usage et des r\'epercussions psychosociales d'un environnement STIC sur une population de personnes \^ag\'ees en r\'esidence m\'edicalis\'ee
Document Type
Working Paper
17 \`eme conf\'erence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Toulouse : France (2005)
Computer Science - Computers and Society
The MNESIS Project aims to see whether the use of computerized environment by elderly people in medicalized residences stimulates their cognitive capacities and contributes to a better integration, recognition or acceptance within their social environment (friends, family, medical staff). In this paper we present the protocol of evaluation that is defined to check this assumption. This protocol is between users' centred traditional protocols (built on investigations and indirect observation) and studies of Web Usage Mining (where knowledge databases about the uses are built from traces of use). It allows collecting direct and indirect information on a large scale and over long periods.