
SOFIA FEEDBACK survey: PDR diagnostics of stellar feedback in different regions of RCW 49
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We quantified the effects of stellar feedback in RCW 49 by determining the physical conditions in different regions using the [CII] 158 $\mu$m and [OI] 63 $\mu$m observations from SOFIA, the $^{12}$CO (3-2) observations from APEX and the H$_2$ line observations from Spitzer telescopes. Large maps of RCW 49 were observed with the SOFIA and APEX telescopes, while the Spitzer observations were only available towards three small areas. From our qualitative analysis, we found that the H$_2$ 0-0 S(2) emission line probes denser gas compared to the H$_2$ 0-0 S(1) line. In four regions ("northern cloud", "pillar", "ridge", and "shell"), we compared our observations with the updated PDR Toolbox models and derived the integrated far-ultraviolet flux between 6-13.6 eV ($G_{\rm 0}$), H nucleus density ($n$), temperatures and pressures. We found the ridge to have the highest $G_{\rm 0}$ (2.4 $\times$ 10$^3$ Habing units), while the northern cloud has the lowest $G_{\rm 0}$ (5 $\times$ 10$^2$ Habing units). This is a direct consequence of the location of these regions with respect to the Wd2 cluster. The ridge also has a high density (6.4 $\times$ 10$^3$ cm$^{-3}$), which is consistent with its ongoing star formation. Among the Spitzer positions, we found the one closest to the Wd2 cluster to be the densest, suggesting an early phase of star formation. Furthermore, the Spitzer position that overlaps with the shell was found to have the highest $G_{\rm 0}$ and we expect this to be a result of its proximity to an O9V star.
Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures