
Efficient Hyperdimensional Computing
Document Type
Working Paper
ECML PKDD 2023: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track pp 141-155
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Neural and Evolutionary Computing
Hyperdimensional computing (HDC) is a method to perform classification that uses binary vectors with high dimensions and the majority rule. This approach has the potential to be energy-efficient and hence deemed suitable for resource-limited platforms due to its simplicity and massive parallelism. However, in order to achieve high accuracy, HDC sometimes uses hypervectors with tens of thousands of dimensions. This potentially negates its efficiency advantage. In this paper, we examine the necessity of such high dimensions and conduct a detailed theoretical analysis of the relationship between hypervector dimensions and accuracy. Our results demonstrate that as the dimension of the hypervectors increases, the worst-case/average-case HDC prediction accuracy with the majority rule decreases. Building on this insight, we develop HDC models that use binary hypervectors with dimensions orders of magnitude lower than those of state-of-the-art HDC models while maintaining equivalent or even improved accuracy and efficiency. For instance, on the MNIST dataset, we achieve 91.12% HDC accuracy in image classification with a dimension of only 64. Our methods perform operations that are only 0.35% of other HDC models with dimensions of 10,000. Furthermore, we evaluate our methods on ISOLET, UCI-HAR, and Fashion-MNIST datasets and investigate the limits of HDC computing.