
Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Gas Rotation in the Galaxy $NGC\;6946$
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Magnetic fields can play an important role in the energy balance and formation of gas structures in galaxies. However, their dynamical effect on the rotation curve of galaxies is immensely unexplored. We investigate the dynamical effect of the known magnetic arms of $NGC\;6946$ on its circular gas rotation traced in HI, considering two dark matter mass density models, ISO, and the universal NFW profile. We used a three-dimensional model for the magnetic field structure to fit the modeled rotation curve to the observed data via an $\chi$-squared minimization method. The shape of the HI gas rotation curve is reproduced better including the effect of the magnetic field, especially in the outer part, where the dynamical effect of the magnetic field could become important. The typical amplitude of the regular magnetic field contribution in the rotation curve is about $ 6 - 14 \; km s^{-1}$ in the outer gaseous disk of the galaxy $NGC\;6946$. The contribution ratio of the regular magnetic field to the observed circular velocity and to dark matter increases with the galactocentric radius. Its ratio to the observed rotational velocity is about five percent and to dark matter is about 10 percent in the outer regions of the galaxy $NGC\;6946$. Therefore, the large-scale magnetic fields cannot be completely ignored in the large-scale dynamics of spiral galaxies, especially in the outer parts of galaxies.
Comment: 19 pages, 10 captioned figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)