
A quantum-chemical perspective on the laser-induced alignment and orientation dynamics of the CH$_3$X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Chemical Physics
The laser-induced alignment-and-orientation (A&O) dynamics of the prolate symmetric top CH$_3$X (X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules is investigated, with particular emphasis on the effect of halogen substitution on the rotational constants, dipole moments, and polarizabilities of these species, as these quantities determine the A&O dynamics. Insight into possible control schemes for preferred A&O dynamics of halogenated molecules and best practices for A&O simulations are provided, as well. It is shown that for accurate A&O-dynamics simulations it is necessary to employ large basis sets and high levels of electron correlation when computing the rotational constants, dipole moments, and polarizabilities. The benchmark-quality values of these molecular parameters, corresponding to the equilibrium, as well as the vibrationally averaged structures are obtained with the help of the focal-point analysis (FPA) technique and explicit electronic-structure computations utilizing the gold-standard CCSD(T) approach, basis sets up to quintuple-zeta quality, core-correlation contributions and, in particular, relativistic effects for CH$_3$Br and CH$_3$I. It is shown that the different A&O behavior of the CH$_3$X molecules in the optical regime is mostly caused by the differences in their polarizability anisotropy, in other terms, the size of the halogen atom. In contrast, the A&O dynamics of the CH$_3$X series induced by an intense few-cycle THz pulse is mostly governed by changes in the rotational constants, due to the similar dipole moments of the CH$_3$X molecules. The A&O dynamics is most sensitive to the $B$ rotational constant: even the difference between its equilibrium and vibrationally-averaged values results in noticeably different A&O dynamics. The contribution of rotational states having different symmetry, weighted by nuclear-spin statistics, to the A&O dynamics is also studied.