
Search for rare decays $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{(\ast)+}\eta$, $D_{s}^{(\ast)+}\bar{K}^{0}$, $D^{+}\eta$, and $D^{+}K^{0}$
Document Type
Working Paper
Belle CollaborationKumar, M.Bhardwaj, V.Lalwani, K.Adachi, I.Aihara, H.Asner, D. M.Aushev, T.Babu, V.Behera, P.Belous, K.Bennett, J.Bessner, M.Bhuyan, B.Bilka, T.Bobrov, A.Bodrov, D.Bonvicini, G.Borah, J.Bozek, A.Bračko, M.Branchini, P.Browder, T. E.Budano, A.Campajola, M.Červenkov, D.Chang, M. -C.Chang, P.Cheon, B. G.Chilikin, K.Cho, H. E.Cho, K.Cho, S. -J.Choi, S. -K.Choi, Y.Choudhury, S.Cinabro, D.Das, S.Dash, N.De Pietro, G.Dhamija, R.Di Capua, F.Dingfelder, J.Doležal, Z.Dong, T. V.Dossett, D.Epifanov, D.Ferlewicz, D.Fulsom, B. G.Garg, R.Gaur, V.Garmash, A.Giri, A.Goldenzweig, P.Graziani, E.Gu, T.Guan, Y.Gudkova, K.Hadjivasiliou, C.Hara, T.Hayasaka, K.Hayashii, H.Hou, W. -S.Hsu, C. -L.Iijima, T.Inami, K.Ipsita, N.Ishikawa, A.Itoh, R.Iwasaki, M.Jacobs, W. W.Jang, E. -J.Ji, Q. P.Jia, S.Jin, Y.Joo, K. K.Kalita, D.Kang, K. H.Kiesling, C.Kim, C. H.Kim, D. Y.Kim, K. -H.Kim, Y. -K.Kinoshita, K.Kodyš, P.Korobov, A.Korpar, S.Kovalenko, E.Križan, P.Krokovny, P.Kumar, R.Kumara, K.Kwon, Y. -J.Lam, T.Lange, J. S.Laurenza, M.Lee, S. C.Li, C. H.Li, J.Li, L. K.Li, Y.Li, Y. B.Gioi, L. LiLibby, J.Lieret, K.Liventsev, D.Masuda, M.Matsuda, T.Matvienko, D.Maurya, S. K.Meier, F.Merola, M.Metzner, F.Miyabayashi, K.Mizuk, R.Mohanty, G. B.Mrvar, M.Nakamura, I.Nakao, M.Natkaniec, Z.Natochii, A.Nayak, L.Nayak, M.Nisar, N. K.Nishida, S.Ogawa, S.Ono, H.Oskin, P.Pakhlov, P.Pakhlova, G.Pardi, S.Park, H.Park, S. -H.Passeri, A.Patra, S.Paul, S.Pedlar, T. K.Pestotnik, R.Piilonen, L. E.Podobnik, T.Prencipe, E.Prim, M. T.Purohit, M. V.Rout, N.Russo, G.Sandilya, S.Sangal, A.Santelj, L.Savinov, V.Schnell, G.Schueler, J.Schwanda, C.Seino, Y.Senyo, K.Sevior, M. E.Shapkin, M.Sharma, C.Shen, C. P.Shiu, J. -G.Singh, J. B.Solovieva, E.Starič, M.Stottler, Z. S.Strube, J. F.Sumihama, M.Sumiyoshi, T.Takizawa, M.Tamponi, U.Tanida, K.Tenchini, F.Trabelsi, K.Tsuboyama, T.Uchida, M.Unno, Y.Uno, S.van Tonder, R.Varner, G.Varvell, K. E.Vinokurova, A.Waheed, E.Wang, E.Wang, M. -Z.Wang, X. L.Watanabe, M.Watanuki, S.Werbycka, O.Wiechczynski, J.Won, E.Yabsley, B. D.Yan, W.Yang, S. B.Yelton, J.Yin, J. H.Yuan, C. Z.Yusa, Y.Zhai, Y.Zhang, Z. P.Zhilich, V.Zhukova, V.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
We present a study of rare decay modes $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{+}h^{0}$, $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{\ast+}h^{0}$, and $B^{+} \to D^{+}h^{0}$, where $h^{0}$ denotes the neutral mesons $\eta$ or $K^{0}$, using a data sample of $(772 \pm 10 ) \times 10^{6}$ $B\bar{B}$ events produced at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance. The data were collected by the Belle detector operating at the asymmetric-energy KEKB collider. We observe no evidence for these decays, so we provide upper limits at the 90$\%$ confidence level on the branching fractions of $B^{+} \to D_{s}^{+}h^{0}$, $D_{s}^{\ast+}h^{0}$, and $D^{+}h^{0}$ decay modes. Along with rare decay modes, we report improved measurements of the color-suppressed decay branching fractions $\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}^{0} \to D^{0}\eta)$ = (26.6 $\pm$ 1.2 $\pm$ 2.1) $\times$ $10^{-5}$ and $\mathcal{B}(\bar{B}^{0} \to D^{0}\bar{K}^{0})$ = (5.6 $\pm$ 0.5 $\pm$ 0.2) $\times$ $10^{-5}$. The first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively.
Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures