
The population of Galactic supernova remnants in the TeV range
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 687, A279 (2024)
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are likely to be significant sources of cosmic rays up to the knee of the local cosmic-ray (CR) spectrum. They produce gamma-rays in the very-high-energy (VHE) ($E>0.1$ TeV) range via: hadronic interactions with the interstellar medium and leptonic interactions with soft photons. Current observations have lead to the detection of about a dozen of VHE SNRs and future instruments should increase this number. The details of particle acceleration at SNRs, and of the mechanisms producing VHE gamma-rays at SNRs are poorly understood. We aim to study the population of SNRs detected in the TeV range and its properties, and to address fundamental questions of particle acceleration at SNR shocks: What is the spectrum of accelerated particles? What is the efficiency of acceleration? Is the VHE emission dominated by hadronic or leptonic interactions? By means of Monte Carlo methods, we simulate the population of SNRs in the VHE domain and confront our simulations to H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey (HGPS). We explore the parameter space: the slope of accelerated particles $\alpha$, the electron-to-proton ratio $K_{\rm ep}$, and the efficiency of particle acceleration $\xi $. We found sets of parameters for which $\gtrsim 90$\% of realisations are found in agreements with the HGPS data. These parameters are found $ 4.2 \gtrsim \alpha \gtrsim 4.1 $, $10^{-5} \lesssim K_{\rm ep} \lesssim 10^{-4.5}$, and $0.03 \lesssim \xi\lesssim 0.1 $ . We were able to strongly argue against some regions of the parameter space: $\alpha \lesssim 4.05$, $\alpha \gtrsim 4.35$, or $K_{\rm ep} \gtrsim 10^{-3}$. Our model is so far able to explain the SNR population of the HGPS. Our approach, confronted to the results of future systematic surveys, will help remove degeneracy in the solutions, and to better understand particle acceleration at SNR shocks.
Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A