
Structure of Stellar Remnants with Coupling to a Light Scalar
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
In this paper we study how a Yukawa coupling of the Standard Model fermions to a light scalar field effects the stellar structure of cold stellar remnants such as neutron stars. We elucidate the stellar structure phenomenology using a simple model of a massive scalar coupled to a single dominant fermion with no other interactions. For a broad scalar mass range ($10^{-10}\,\mathrm{eV}\ll m_\phi\ll10^3\,\mathrm{eV}$ for neutron stars) we show that the equation-of-state and stellar structure depends only the effective coupling $\mathfrak{g}=\frac{g_f\,m_f}{m_\phi}$, where $g_f$ is the Yukawa coupling, $m_f$ the fermion mass and $m_\phi$ is the scalar kinematic mass at nuclear densities. If $\mathfrak{g}>\mathcal{O}(1)$ the Yukawa coupled matter exhibits various anomalous behaviors including hydrodynamic instability, negative pressure, distinct phases (soft and hard) of matter with sharp phase boundaries between them and with vacuum. These anomalies can lead to stars consisting of only soft, only hard or hybrid of soft and hard matter. These stars can have varying signs of the slope of the mass-radius relation, anomalously large and small masses, gaps in allowed radii, multiple radii for the same mass, very thin crusts and radiate anomalously large amounts of energy when they form (in the form of neutrinos for neutron stars). To the extent that these anomalies have not and/or will not be observed limits the effective coupling to $\mathfrak{g}<\mathcal{O}(1)$. We argue this phenomenology is generic to realistic models of stars with Yukawa coupled matter.