
High Resolution X-ray Spectra of RS Ophiuchi (2006 and 2021): Revealing the cause of SSS variability
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 670, A131 (2023)
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Swift observed the SSS phase in RS Oph much fainter in 2021 than in 2006, and we compare an XMM-Newton grating spectrum on day 55.6 in 2021 (2021d55.6) to SSS Chandra and XMM-Newton grating spectra from days 2006d39.7, 2006d54, and 2006d66.9. We present a novel approach to down-scale the observed (brighter) 2006 SSS spectra to match the 2021d55.6 spectrum by parameter optimisation of: (1) A constant factor, (2) a multi-ionisation photoelectric absorption model, and (3) scaling with a ratio of two blackbody models with different effective temperatures. This approach avoids defining a source model and is more sensitive to incremental changes than modeling source plus absorption simultaneously. The 2021d55.6 spectrum can be reproduced remarkably well by multiplying the brighter 2006 spectra with an absorption model. Only for the 2006d66.9 spectrum, an additional temperature change is needed. We further find the 2021d55.6 spectrum to resemble much more the 2006d39.7 spectrum in shape and structure than the same-epoch 2006d54 spectrum with more absorption lines with a deeper OI absorption edge, and higher blue shifts (1200km/s) than on day 2006d54 (700km/s). On days 2006d39.7, 2006d54 and 2021d55.6, brightness and hardness variations are correlated indicating variations of the OI column density. The 35s period was detected on day 2021d55.6 with lower significance compared to 2006d54. We conclude absorption to be the principal reason for observing lower soft X-ray emission in 2021 compared to 2006. We explain the reduction in line blue shift, depth in OI edge, and number of absorption lines from day 2006d39.7 to 2006d54 by deceleration and heating of the ejecta within the stellar wind of the companion. Less such deceleration and heating in 2021 indicates viewing at different angles through an inhomogeneous stellar wind.