
Reduction of Feynman integrals to integrals of Schl\'afli functions
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We show that off-shell perturbative amplitudes with arbitrary number of external lines and complex masses can be reduced to $I$-fold integrals of the generalized Schl\"{a}fli functions, where $I$ is the number of lines in the corresponding vacuum diagram which is independent of the number of external lines. The Schl\"{a}fli functions are obtained as analytic continuation of the volume of the spherical simplex as a function of the hyperplane parameters that define the simplex. These functions have nice and thoroughly studied analytic, geometric and number theoretic properties. They possess Gauss-Manin connection and in conformal case are expressed by iterated integrals. Our representation sheds new light on geometry of particle configuration spaces in perturbation theory.
Comment: a mistake in the appendix corrected