
FRB 121102: drastic changes in the burst polarization contrasts with the stability of the persistent emission
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
We study milliarcsecond-scale properties of the persistent radio counterpart to FRB 121102 and investigate the spectro-polarimetric properties of a bright burst. For the former, we use European VLBI Network (EVN) observations in 2017 at 1.7 and 4.8 GHz. For the latter, we re-analyse the 1.7-GHz data from the 100-m Effelseberg telescope taken in 2016. These observations predate other polarimetric studies of FRB 121102, and yield the highest burst Faraday rotation measure (RM) to date, RM = 1.27*10^5 rad m^-2, consistent with the decreasing RM trend. The fractional polarization of the burst emission is 15% at 1.7 GHz. This can be reconciled with the high fractional polarization at higher frequencies if the Faraday width of the burst environment is 150 rad m^-2 - a bare 0.1% of the total Faraday rotation. The width may originate from minor non-uniformities in the Faraday screen, or from effects in the emitting region itself. The upper limit on the persistent source size is 1 pc, barely consistent with a young supernova (SN) scenario. The flux variability limit of <10% is not in favor of the young SN scenario, and challenges other interpretations as well. The fractional polarization of the faint persistent source is constrained at <25% at 4.8 GHz ruling out a common origin with the highly polarized individual bursts.
Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; accepted to MNRAS