
The consequence of substrates of large-scale rigidity on actin network tension in adherent cells
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2019, 22 (13), pp.1073-1082
Quantitative Biology - Cell Behavior
Physics - Biological Physics
Quantitative Biology - Subcellular Processes
There is compelling evidence that substrate stiffness affects cell adhesion as well as cytoskeleton organization and contractile activity. This work was designed to study the cytoskeletal contractile activity of cells plated on microposts of different stiffness using a numerical model simulating the intracellular tension of individual cells. We allowed cells to adhere onto micropost substrates of various rigidities and used experimental traction force data to infer cell contractility using a numerical model. The model discriminates between the influence of substrate stiffness on cell tension and shows that higher substrate stiffness leads to an increase in intracellular tension. The strength of this model is its ability to calculate the mechanical state of each cell in accordance to its individual cytoskeletal structure. This is achieved by regenerating a numerical cytoskeleton based