
The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample XI: Efficient Turbulence Driven Ly{\alpha} Escape and the Analysis of IR, CO and [C II]158 {\mu}m
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 644, A10 (2020)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We study the global dust and (molecular) gas content in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), i.e. 14 local star-forming galaxies. We characterize their interstellar medium and relate newly derived properties to quantities relevant for Ly$\alpha$ escape. We observed LARS galaxies with Herschel/PACS, SOFIA/FIFI-LS, the IRAM 30m telescope and APEX, targeting far-infrared (FIR) continuum and emission lines of [C II]158$\mu$m, [O I]63$\mu$m, [O III]88$\mu$m and low-J CO lines. Using Bayesian methods we derive dust model parameters and estimate total gas masses for all LARS galaxies, taking into account a metallicity-dependent gas-to-dust ratio. Star formation rates were estimated from FIR, [C II]158$\mu$m and [O I]63$\mu$m luminosities. LARS covers a wide dynamic range in the derived properties, with FIR-based star formation rates from $\sim$0.5-100 $M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}$, gas fractions between $\sim$15-80% and gas depletion times ranging from a few hundred Myr up to more than 10 Gyr. The distribution of LARS galaxies in the $\Sigma_{gas}$ vs. $\Sigma_{SFR}$ (Kennicutt-Schmidt plane) is thus quite heterogeneous. However, we find that LARS galaxies with the longest gas depletion times, i.e. relatively high gas surface densities ($\Sigma_{gas}$) and low star formation rate densities ($\Sigma_{SFR}$), have by far the highest Ly$\alpha$ escape fraction. A strong $\sim$linear relation is found between Ly$\alpha$ escape fraction and the total gas (HI+H$_2$) depletion time. We argue that the Ly$\alpha$ escape in those galaxies is driven by turbulence in the star-forming gas that shifts the Ly$\alpha$ photons out of resonance close to the places where they originate. We further report on an extreme [C II]158$\mu$m excess in LARS 5, corresponding to $\sim$14$\pm$3% of the FIR luminosity, i.e. the most extreme [C II]-to-FIR ratio observed in a non-AGN galaxy to date.