
Supernova-like explosion of massive rotating stars from disks surrounding a black hole
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We perform a new general-relativistic viscous-radiation hydrodynamics simulation for supernova-like explosion associated with stellar core collapse of rotating massive stars to a system of a black hole and a massive torus paying particular attention to large-mass progenitor stars with the zero-age main-sequence mass of $M_\mathrm{ZAMS}=$20, 35, and 45$M_\odot$ of Ref.~\cite{Aguilera-Dena2020oct}. Assuming that a black hole is formed in a short timescale after the onset of the stellar collapse, the new simulations are started from initial data of a spinning black hole and infalling matter that self-consistently satisfy the constraint equations of general relativity. It is found that with a reasonable size of the viscous parameter, the supernova-like explosion is driven by the viscous heating effect in the torus around the black hole irrespective of the progenitor mass. The typical explosion energy and ejecta mass for the large-mass cases ($M_\mathrm{ZAMS}=35$ and $45M_\odot$) are $\sim 10^{52}$ erg and $\sim 5M_\odot$, respectively, with $^{56}$Ni mass larger than $0.15M_\odot$. These are consistent with the observational data of stripped-envelope and high-energy supernovae such as broad-lined type Ic supernovae. This indicates that rotating stellar collapses of massive stars to a black hole surrounded by a massive torus can be a central engine for high-energy supernovae. By artificially varying the angular velocity of the initial data, we explore the dependence of the explosion energy and ejecta mass on the initial angular momentum and find that the large explosion energy $\sim 10^{52}$ erg and large $^{56}$Ni mass $\geq 0.15M_\odot$ are possible only when a large-mass compact torus with mass $\gtrsim 1M_\odot$ is formed.
Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PRD