
PRIEST: Projection Guided Sampling-Based Optimization For Autonomous Navigation
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Robotics
Efficient navigation in unknown and dynamic environments is crucial for expanding the application domain of mobile robots. The core challenge stems from the nonavailability of a feasible global path for guiding optimization-based local planners. As a result, existing local planners often get trapped in poor local minima. In this paper, we present a novel optimizer that can explore multiple homotopies to plan high-quality trajectories over long horizons while still being fast enough for real-time applications. We build on the gradient-free paradigm by augmenting the trajectory sampling strategy with a projection optimization that guides the samples toward a feasible region. As a result, our approach can recover from the frequently encountered pathological cases wherein all the sampled trajectories lie in the high-cost region. Furthermore, we also show that our projection optimization has a highly parallelizable structure that can be easily accelerated over GPUs. We push the state-of-the-art in the following respects. Over the navigation stack of the Robot Operating System (ROS), we show an improvement of 7-13% in success rate and up to two times in total travel time metric. On the same benchmarks and metrics, our approach achieves up to 44% improvement over MPPI and its recent variants. On simple point-to-point navigation tasks, our optimizer is up to two times more reliable than SOTA gradient-based solvers, as well as sampling-based approaches such as the Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) and VPSTO. Codes: https://github.com/fatemeh-rastgar/PRIEST