
The pro-nilpotent group topology on a free group
Document Type
Working Paper
Journal of Algebra 480 (2017) 332-345
Mathematics - Group Theory
20M07, 20M35, 20F10
In this paper, we work on the pro-nilpotent group topology of a free group. First we investigate the closure of the product of finitely many subgroups of a free group in the pro-nilpotent group topology. We present an algorithm for the calculation of the closure in the pro-nilpotent group topology of the product of finitely many finitely generated subgroups of a free group. Then we deduce that the nil-closure of a rational subset is computable. We also prove that the pseudovarieties V malcev G_nil, for every decidable pseudovariety of monoids V, and J * G_nil are decidable.
Comment: Restructured following, in part, suggestions of the referee