
Rapid on-demand generation of thermal states in superconducting quantum circuits
Document Type
Working Paper
Quantum Physics
We experimentally demonstrate the fast generation of thermal states of a transmon using a single-junction quantum-circuit refrigerator (QCR) as an in-situ-tunable environment. Through single-shot readout, we monitor the transmon up to its third-excited state, assessing population distributions controlled by QCR drive pulses. Whereas cooling can be achieved in the weak-drive regime, high-amplitude pulses can generate Boltzmann-distributed populations from a temperature of 110 mK up to 500 mK within 100 ns. As we propose in our work, this fast and efficient temperature control provides an appealing opportunity to demonstrate a quantum heat engine. Our results also pave the way for efficient dissipative state preparation and for reducing the circuit depth in thermally assisted quantum algorithms and quantum annealing.