
Two-Loop Four-Fermion Scattering Amplitude in QED
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We present the analytic evaluation of the two-loop corrections to the amplitude for the scattering of four fermions in Quantum Electrodynamics, $f^- + f^+ + F^- + F^+ \to 0$, with $f$ and $F$ representing a massless and a massive lepton, respectively. Dimensional regularization is employed to evaluate the loop integrals. Ultraviolet divergences are removed by renormalizing the coupling constant in the ${\overline{\text{MS}}}$-scheme, and the lepton mass as well as the external fields in the on-shell scheme. The analytic result for the renormalized amplitude is expressed as Laurent series around $d=4$ space-time dimensions, and contains Generalized Polylogarithms with up to weight four. The structure of the residual infrared divergences of the virtual amplitude is in agreement with the prediction of the Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Our analytic results are an essential ingredient for the computation of the scattering cross section for massive fermion-pair production in massless fermion-pair annihilation, i.e. $f^- f^+ \to F^- F^+$, and crossing related processes such as the elastic scattering $f F \to f F$, with up to Next-to-Next to Leading Order accuracy.
Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table + supplemental material. v2: references added; plots added; Table 1: finite part of A(2) fixed; matches published version